The Constructive Feedback Solution

The Constructive
Feedback Solution

Learn the tools to turn a difficult
conversation into a meaningful one.

Considered to be one of the essential skills of effective leadership, giving constructive feedback is often one of the most dreaded tasks for many workplace leaders. They may avoid these conversations because of the perceived risk of confronting problematic behavior. Leaders may worry that the employee will react emotionally, deny the allegations, or, if their skills are valued, the employee could decide to leave the company.

When the issue is one of technical skills, leaders are more willing to suggest additional training or find ways to help with skill-building. However, when the issues are related to the treatment of co-workers and the atmosphere created by their behavior, leaders may hesitate to address this behavior.

When there is a pattern of disruptive behavior, leadership has a responsibility to respectfully work on these issues with the individual involved to re-establish a safe work environment for the entire team.

The National Conflict Resolution Center’s Constructive Feedback Challenge gives them the tools, frame of mind, and strategy to help make these difficult conversations meaningful and successful for the employee, the work group, and the organization.

In her article on giving constructive feedback, Lisa Patrilli (Visionary Leadership), lists the eight essential skills of leaders when giving feedback. These include:

  • Timeliness.
  • Specifics.
  • Relevance of the behavior.
  • Perspective.
  • Tone.
  • Behaviors desired.
  • Offering to be of help.
  • Reaffirming the person’s value.

Although this workshop was developed long before the article was written, each of these key skills and how to strategically use them is covered in a powerful 3-hour workshop. Through dialogue, interactive exercises, and practice, participants will learn these essential skills and more.

92% of [employees] agreed with the assertion, “redirecting [constructive] feedback, if delivered appropriately, is effective at improving performance.”

– Gallup (2016)


Ready to Get Started?

For more information please contact Allison Patterson